Many say that the easiest way to sex Lavender Waxbill finches is by their calls
This page presents some of their calls/ sounds
Three of the WFS's most respected members helped put calls and gender together
As a test, the gender of a number of birds was then determined from their calls. Each bird's gender was then confirmed by DNA testing
The indentification from the calls was 100% right
The purpose of this page is to help others in gender determination
Click on the 3 players below (play triangle) in turn to hear each of the calls - the players work in most browsers)
(If the players don't work, please try clicking on the text links to the left of each player)
The text links tend to work well with older browsers
Location or simple contact calls given by cocks or hens, (recording from an aviary of paired birds)
This is a frequently heard call which is often loud, presumably depending on how far birds are apart
The calls were fairly irregular. The regularity has been produced by my editing. Note that if they were more frequent and regular they might qualify as a hen call
Thanks to Alice Mourisot (WFS) for the ID
The most useful identifying call. Loud 2-part call of cock repeated four times, (from cage of 4 unpaired birds)
Cock emitted this pair of 2-part calls in this time scale. No editing here
Cocks call much more than hens and much less often when caged as a pair
Thanks to Dinah and John (WFS) for the ID
Quiet twitter mixed with very quiet call. Almost like a quiet 'tchee'. Once heard you can't mistake this 'tchee' for another quiet 'pip' call or more normal bird-like twitter
'Tchee' answered immediately by the mate. This quiet call hasn't recorded well
It seems is a close contact call. More importantly, almost always emitted between bonded pairs
Recording from aviary of paired birds
1 - the sound of running water
2 - when turn off the vacuum cleaner after cleaning their
3 - when Lavender chicks fledge (bit hard to arrange that one
but the birdroom goes mad)
4 - let another Lavender loose to fly around the birdroom
(works a treat)
Firstly, cocks can be suppressed in the company of a more dominant cock
Remove the dominant cock and another may well burst into 'song'. I have direct experience of this
So, identify a cock bird, remove him and wait a week or so to see if another declares himself
Secondly, there are variations
Some cocks make it harder by only doing the first of the two part call. But will come out of their shell if are the only cock in the cage
Thirdly, cocks in a settled pair, housed alone, call very infrequently (if at all)
Finally, some cocks seem to be shy/ quiet (but will come out of their shell if are the only cock in the cage)
In essence, solution to determining gender from calls involves moving birds around
Cage dividers make it easy. It's not difficult
Many say that the easiest way to sex Lavender Waxbill finches is by their calls. This page presents some of their calls/ sounds
Three of the WFS's most respected members helped put calls and gender together
As a test, the gender of a number of birds was then determined from their calls. Each bird's gender was then confirmed by DNA testing
The indentification from the calls was 100% right. The purpose of this page is to help others in gender determination
Click on the 3 players below (play triangle) in turn to hear each of the calls - the players work in most browsers). (If the players don't work, please try clicking on the text links to the left of each player)
Text links work well with older browsers
Click on links below to hear the calls
Location or simple contact calls given by cocks or hens, (recording from an aviary of paired birds)
This is a frequently heard call which is often loud, presumably depending on how far birds are apart
The calls were fairly irregular. The regularity has been produced by my editing. Note that if they were more frequent and regular they might qualify as a hen call
Thanks to Alice Mourisot (WFS) for the ID
The most useful identifying call. Loud 2-part call of cock repeated four times, (from cage of 4 unpaired birds)
Cock emitted this pair of 2-part calls in this time scale. No editing here
Cocks call much more than hens and much less often when caged as a pair
Thanks to Dinah and John (WFS) for the ID
Quiet twitter mixed with very quiet call. Almost like a quiet 'tchee'. Once heard you can't mistake this 'tchee' for another quiet 'pip' call or more normal bird-like twitter
'Tchee' answered immediately by the mate. This quiet call hasn't recorded well
It seems is a close contact call. More importantly, almost always emitted between bonded pairs
Recording from aviary of paired birds
1 - the sound of running water
2 - when turn off the vacuum cleaner after cleaning their cage
3 - when Lavender chicks fledge (bit hard to arrange that one but the birdroom goes mad)
4 - let another Lavender loose to fly around the birdroom (works a treat)
Firstly, cocks can be suppressed in the company of a more dominant cock
Remove the dominant cock and another may well burst into 'song'. I have direct experience of this
So, identify a cock bird, remove him and wait a week or so to see if another declares himself
Secondly, there are variations
Some cocks make it harder by only doing the first of the two part call. But will come out of their shell if are the only cock in the cage
Thirdly, cocks in a settled pair, housed alone, call very infrequently (if at all)
Finally, some cocks seem to be shy/ quiet (but will come out of their shell if are the only cock in the cage)
In essence, solution to determining gender from calls involves moving birds around
Cage dividers make it easy. It's not difficult